I've acepted this test to
stand victorious against my past.
A person grows once they're able to
defeat their weaker self.

7.1. Clickbank Affiliate Master


Amazing top tier product, make a website with an implemented affiliate link for people to get payed by SELLING your product, the website will be added to the database and just like any other website on it will be advertised by the vendors, you will have an army of affiliates promoting you and building you SEO (search engine optimization/ rank on google) making you money while you invest nothing on clicks.
This program will give you the power to create your own multiple affiliate links and/or discount offer pages and promote it to other affiliates to in turn promote you. No, it’s not a scam. ClickBank Affiliate Master is an easy to use, very reliable and an effective affiliate marketing tool. With it you won’t need to worry about installing any complicated databases.
This is a simple process to start selling and earning affiliate commissions. ClickBank Affiliate Master helps you by maximizing sales opportunities while returning huge profits.​ By signing up with the ClickBank Affiliate Master programme get unlimited access to helpful videos which show you clearly and easily the best ways of how to use ClickBank Affiliate Master. You will discover how you can customize your affiliate pages easily, or how to set up multiple pages and products within a single ClickBank account and lots more. With the ClickBank Affiliate Master programme and the help of your own team of affiliates, nothing stops you from achieving your own online success, easily, quickly and repeatedly. The cost for the program is a one-time fee of $97 for life!

7.2. Filmoira; Wondershare

An intelligent video editor which is powered by A.I. making it powerful and smart. The application is crafted as a reliable 24/7 personal movie editor and is renowned for its ability to make video editing process semi-automatic. It enables you to create engaging product and marketing videos with unparalleled scale and effectiveness. Smartphones offer great convenience when it comes to shooting videos. The Wondershare video editing apps for mobile devices comes with added convenience and allow you to quickly create, edit, and publish videos anytime, anywhere with little effort. The best thing is that the apps can be downloaded for free and it allows you to continue working on your videos while on the go.
Wondershare is unique in the way it supports cross-channel video content
distribution and hosting. Optimized for email marketing, social media, video advertising, and content marketing platforms.

7.3. Appload you ​


A comprehensive software that lets you create apps without coding Allowing you to create a shopping cart, place ads in your apps, and sell items inside your apps with in-app purchases Allowing you to share videos, easily create image gallery, and use RSS for dynamic content Allowing you to create a bookstore and publish your magazine for Newsstand Allowing you to create an app in minutes – no coding required Allowing you to alert your users with push notifcations

Additionally, for some added comfort, it may make your purchasing decision easier to know that Apploadyou – Create Apps Without Coding comes with a 60 Day, No Hassle, Money Back Guarantee provided not only by the author of this product but also by Clickbank, which is a highly reputable retailer of digital products that provides an Iron Clad, 60 Day, Money Back Guarantee for every single product that they promote, so if you are unhappy with your purchase for any reason, all you have to do is contact the seller or Clickbank and you will receive a refund promptly. When it comes to selecting products, you’ve the choice between purchasing one off-the-shelf or trawling the internet for freebies. The trouble with free Mobile and Developer Tools goods is that they are generally worth about as much as you pay for them. They haven’t been tested, and there is little evidence of their reliability. The products covered right here like Apploadyou on the other hand, are ones that either I or successful individuals I know have used in a consistently basis.

Does It Scam Beginners?
And don’t worry, Apploadyou isn’t a scam, because protecting all of the buyers with 100% money back assure to their item. The owner will be shouldering all the danger, so you will be safe to attempt this.
What we can say today is, the vendor have legitimate 100% cash back guarantee, because, they offer it under Clickbank’s strict refund guarantee. Clickbank is your payment gateway, when you make purchase or buy Apploadyou. So, in case you are not satisfied with it, trying out Apploadyou could be RISK-FREE.
We have reviewed Apploadyou for you, and we can most certainly claim that it is safe for you to buy Apploadyou. Hopefully this review useful for you personally!

7.4. Udacity ​

If Udacity (free) is anything, it is audacious. In late-2013, the company shifted away from university-style classes, and began to offer online vocational courses professionals could use to "level-up" their careers. Since then, Udacity has built a small but eclectic collection of courses well-suited to computer science and programming, partnered with several universities to create for-credit online courses, and launched five programs, which it calls Nanodegrees, tailored to the employment needs of corporate partners such as AT&T, Google, and Salesforce.

In this introduction to computer programming course, you’ll learn and practice key computer science concepts by building your own versions of popular web applications. You’ll learn Python, a powerful, easy-to-learn, and widely used programming language, and you’ll explore computer science basics, as you build your own search engine and social network.

There's a lot of positives about the Udacity front-end dev program. They make an effort to build community and provide assistance. There's always someone who is willing to help you. There's a lot of quizzes and projects so you can practice coding. The price is pretty reasonable and you can always go at your own pace. The cons? The lecture videos aren't always very clear or easy to understand. It takes a lot of motivation to get through the program. I'd recommend doing the program while participating in a local meet up with more experience developers to help tutor you when you get stuck.

Udacity has more than four million registered users on its platform, most of whom are taking Udacity’s free courses. This makes it the fifth biggest MOOC provider behind Coursera, edX, XuetangX, and FutureLearn.

Want to get a $100,000 engineering job at Google? Master these 11 skills, click here

7.5. Udemy​​ ​

Udemy is a course marketplace.Listing everything from business, marketing and management skills to cooking, sports, and guitar classes. With over 22,000 courses to look at, you’ll have quite some choice of courses.

Although I am sure there are great quality courses, I think it is difficult to know which one is the best. So many courses have a high number of students, ratings are almost 5 stars independent of courses and pricing is very different although it shouldn’t.

It seems like each instructor puts in the greatest effort in the sales & marketing of the courses, and not in the quality. Instructors choose their prices, ratings almost always shows 5 stars, and Udemy itself gives out massive coupons to sell their courses. I have the impression that the platform is more about sales than quality!

For instructors

Considering the traffic Udemy has, if you know how to teach & if you are looking at making good money, this is a very interesting platform because it has a big audience. Great for good exposure! Besides time, it doesn’t cost anything to make the courses. And you don’t have to be academic to be an instructor. The most important is that you know your stuff and that you’re able to communicate it clearly.

One of the things that are great with Udemy is the search course toolbar. The results, reviews and course students are helpful in choosing your course. Design is good as well. On the other hand, with too much choice, it is difficult to decide on a course. You also feel that you cannot trust the ratings too much (everyone has from either 4- 5 stars, mostly 5). I also think the platform could be a little more intuitive. Often I found myself searching for menus and back buttons. I think loading time can be a bit slow as well.

Completeness of features

Video quality is OK and they load very fast which is great! On the other hand, it would be nice if forums were active. Most questions are addressed directly to the instructors and are not solved by others than the instructors. Also, many questions are left unanswered. Team treehouse knows how to engage users with good gamification. Udemy could benefit from their example!

Learning experience

It depends on the quality of the instructors. Classes are mostly video based and provide little resources besides that. I wished there were other resources besides the videos. And I would have wished there were exercises. Take Photoshop courses, I would have enjoyed if the pictures instructors use would be available for students to practice.

Price/ Time

You pay per course, so you can find something for every price. You even have many free courses.

And just because classes are free, doesn’t make them poor. Remember that this is a marketplace where price is a marketing tool. A high price doesn’t mean great quality, the same way that a low price doesn’t mean poor quality. How often a course is seen by students depends on instructor’s ability to brand themselves. Many free courses are available because instructors have to start with giving their courses for free to start their marketing and branding. And you should be careful, course length varies a lot. Some course lasts 30 minutes, and costs 25$. Remember that prices are decided by instructors.

The most used Photoshop course, as well as the most expensive, is Berin Christian Doru’s course. Whether the quality is that much better, I have no idea. I looked at some of the reviews and looked like someone had gotten paid to write it…

Udemy is good to find relevant courses where you lack competence. But which courses are good is difficult to say. Unfortunately, I feel that this platform is more about the profit than the quality. I read that the three founders had backed down from their leading positions. Typically that happens when founders are constrained by investors and no longer have the freedom to pursue their visions of building something great!

As well, learning experience is not optimized. And instructors could provide some exercises or a photo database to assist classes (especially Photoshop classes). Udemy is a decent eLearning platform, but I wouldn’t take a course on their website unless close acquaintances recommended the course!




8.1. Fix Google’s mistakes

Sites like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. pay you for fixing their search results. You just have to mend the errors of the search engine results and make them qualitative, relevant, and useful. Doing this you can earn around $12 per hour.|||1


8.2. Online tutoring

You can make quick money from home by doing something you’re already doing every day – using websites. As a blogger I’ve designed and built websites for most of my adult life. An easy-to-use website critical to having successful business. So there are a lot of companies who will pay you for your time to evaluate and provide feedback on their apps and websites. Testing websites is the perfect job you can do in your free time. It’s a legitimate way to make money from home and pick up some quick cash.

Rather than build the app and roll it out to users, these apps are tested for software bugs, incompatibilities, and overall user satisfaction. As a result, the user testing industry is sprawling, giving those who wish to work from an opportunity to cash in and make some easy money.

Mathematically you can make great money – $10 for 20 minutes of time is $30/hour.
You need a computer with a microphone, an updated web browser and a high speed internet connection.
Sites that pay you to test websites include;
8.2. Some of the previous testing options may not allow you to sign up if you are not in the United States. Testing Time is a UI testing program that gives some international users to ability to test unabated.


Freelancing is the easiest business for you to start on the internet.

You can get started, right now, and head out to start making $15-$20 an hour as an entry level freelancer simply by signing up to a site like UpWork or Freelancer.
You can make money this way if you’ve got skills in...

Writing: Copywriting, Journalism, Blogging or Ghostwriting, Design: Graphic design, illustration, WordPress Themes, Programming And Development and PHP.
Virtual assistances (VAs) can do everything from checking emails and making travel plans to handling internet research or working for their small business. High-end earners can command $50-$100 an hour. Becoming a trusted virtual assistant is only half the battle. To make it in this competitive market, you must be willing to market yourself and become a master at networking to drum up new business.
Think about the things that separate you from other virtual assistants. Certain intangible factors could help catapult your virtual assistance business past other freelancers in the market. If you currently possess any of the following intangibles, you could create a niche for yourself within the virtual assistant industry:

-Multilingual – English, Spanish, German or Mandarin Chinese
-Availability for phone conferences during office hours
-Written and spoken fluency in English
-Instant availability on platforms such skype
-The ability to perform tasks in person
-A positive, helpful attitude
-The ability to research and compile executive reports
-Proficiency with cloud based platforms such as Salesforce
Make a list of all the ways you can personally benefit a business that may require the services of a virtual assistant. Think about all the different ways your background matches up with your potential client’s requirements and begin promoting yourself as an expert virtual assistant within that niche.

Once you’ve gathered all of this data, think about creating a website that lists all of your skills and services. Be sure to include past examples of work provided for past clients. If you do not have any clients, simply create an example of the types of services that you offer and create a portfolio page that brags about your specialties.​​




Demand Media

Demand Media







10.1. Manifestation Magic

The Manifestation Magic of expression was created by Alexander Wilson to change the present conditions of stressful men and women and make their lives happy. This guide can help your spirit lose itself in the masses and in your current, competitive life. It is a step-by-step system that shows the best way to remove all the flaws of your life. Almost all people do not know what science method Regan described in this system. Regardless of origin or history, this system can increase your assets. [Manifestation Magic general] You can get instructions on how to effectively use the power of the universe to completely change your life. In addition to all instructions, income report shows how someone can get creative in their mind and gain life experience. The main purpose of this guide is to train the brain in terms of ingenuity and help in achieving results in life. Two magic modules: Quick start guide Demo The complete audio system of Orbiting Autopilot. How does The Manifestation Magic Work? The Manifestation Magic explains how the conscious, subconscious mind works in a unique way to translate all negative thoughts into positive thoughts, raise the vibration to the conscious level and achieve the desired goal within a few days. Built-in audio-brain technology frees the aunt and opens the subconscious at the bottom. Find out how energy works in orbit by reprogramming all your beliefs and negatives so that the deepest areas of your subconscious are forever better. This helps to transfer brain waves from beta to your aunt to change thought patterns that are easily transformed into divine patterns.

10.2. Swagbuck

Who Is Swagbucks? Swagbucks is a website that lets you earn points (called SB points), which can be converted into gift cards and cash for doing various online activities such as taking surveys, watching videos, playing games, and searching. Swagbucks has been around since 2008 and are a subsidiary of Prodege, LLC. Prodege has a few other brands like MyPoints, Upromise and ShopAtHome.
As of December 2023, Swagbucks has paid out $562,700,000 in cash and free gift cards. Swagbucks is based in El Segundo, California.
Swagbucks is legitimate. Some people claim they are a scam, but these claims seem to get confused with survey disqualifications and low payouts, explained later.
Swagbucks has an 4.2 rating out of 35,000 reviews on Trustpilot.

How Much Will I Earn?
You aren’t going to get rich or even make enough money to live off by using Swagbucks.
Think of it as something better than pocket change.

To give you an idea on earnings, most surveys take around 20 minutes. But you also have to qualify for each survey. Depending on the site, it can take a few minutes to fill out a form only to be disqualified, which eats into the number of surveys you can take within an hour.
If you’re not at your computer, don’t worry — you can still use Swagbucks through their mobile app. When you’re standing in line or just have time to kill, pull out the mobile app and earn a little cash. You’ll need to make sure you have around 20 minutes to spare, depending on the activity.
Survey tip.
When you’re looking through surveys, the best earnings are those that pay the most and take the least amount of time. Swagbucks lets you sort surveys, which makes it easy to find the best value.
Watch the video in the background and continue searching or taking a survey in the foreground. This lets you earn points in two different ways
at the same time to all members outside the UK!

10.3. Gaia

Gaia is a good platform for yoga classes, meditation, and conscious media. For 9,99/m or $82/y, you get unlimited access to over 8,000 videos
on topics of personal development, spiritual growth, alternative healing, expanded consciousness, and more. Gaia offers a free trial, and it is worth its price.
Gaia is a great platform for any avid yogi or a person who enjoys guided meditations. It’s also a treasure trove of new age, spiritual growth, alternative medicine,
and personal development content. There are over 8,000 streaming titles available on Gaia, and considering the low price of a monthly subscription, Gaia is definitely
worth it. There are some wellness streaming services that offer a more comprehensive library of content, but they are much more expensive.

What Is
Gaia is a conscious media video company based in Boulder, Colorado, that describes itself as a “member-supported media network of truth-seekers and believers empowering the evolution of consciousness.”

In other words, Gaia is a website that is packed with wellness, new-age content, and over 8,000 consciousness-expanding exclusive videos.
Its goal is to empower members with awareness and knowledge. If you are looking for ways to explore your body, mind, and soul, then Gaia is the perfect place to start.
Gaia used to be called Gaiam and focused more on online yoga products and classes until 2015 when it expanded into documentaries and other forms of streaming content similar to Netflix.
It now offers a large collection of documentaries, series, and a variety of live streaming events featuring famous speakers and experts.

How Does Gaia Work?
Gaia is a subscription-based online service that offers monthly and annual plans. Once you purchase a Gaia subscription, you will have full access to their yoga classes, guided meditations,
documentaries, series, and live-streamed events. It works similar to other streaming services like Netflix and Hulu, however, it is mostly focused on wellness and spirituality.


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