And change your life for the better,
You will not be able to enter, blessed, the Kingdom of God.
To death we are hastening, let us refrain from sinning.

Society is already evolving and replacing the "old" models of reality with more holistic & integrative solutions. Isn't it time you did the same? More and more large corporations are distancing themselves from greedy Industrial Revolution-era practices... and adopting a form of 'Conscious Capitalism' where quality of life, sustainability & giving back are prioritized.
Startups and entrepreneurs across the world are dominating headlines by experimenting with innovative new practices like virtual offices, 4-day work weeks and Crowd Funding.
Realizing the limitations of modern medicine on its own, nearly 40% of Americans are now using some form of complementary or alternative medicine - including meditation, yoga and acupuncture.
According to the Harvard Medical School, medical professionals are now prescribing mind-body therapies like meditation to over 6 million Americans yearly.
The wellness market is spreading across unexpected places - like the San Francisco International Airport, which opened its first yoga room in January 2012. (More and more hotels and even churches are now following suit.)
After countless Wall Street-esque scandals and meltdowns in countries like Cyprus, a growing body of people are rejecting traditional financial industries and exploring new wealth management tools - like Bitcoins, which have grown by over 1,000% in the past year alone.
A recent survey found that 14 in 18 insurance companies are now including acupuncture - along with a host of other holistic treatments - in their coverage packages.
The signs are clear: we live in exciting, kinetic times - and the only way to stay afloat is to keep evolving your own model of reality.
My recommendation? Take advantage of a proven set of mind-widening principles that the world's top performers are using at this very moment to stay ahead. The kind only Project:Yourself can give you.
My lifelong, borderline unhealthy obsession. Your gain.
Okay, so the truth is I'm a bit of a rehabilitated information addict. Remember how earlier I told you I read all those books and studied all those successful people?
I maybe went a little overboard with that stuff. Over the past 17 years, whenever I was taking a break from working on my businesses, I must have read over 1500 books on subjects like human consciousness, spirituality and mind science. I've spent hundreds, maybe thousands of hours sitting through video & audio courses, interviews, documentaries and seminars.
I've even interviewed and collaborated with dozens of multi-millionaires, intellectuals, entrepreneurs, and even an ex-NASA scientist, just to figure out what makes them tick.
The whole experience has costed me a ton of time and money. Not to mention countless personal sacrifices.
Thankfully, now that I'm in my thirties, I've balanced my life out a whole lot more so I'm playing as hard as I work.
But I don't expect you to drop everything and follow my path, because I know you have your own pressing concerns. With responsibilities, social & family obligations, and stacks of looming deadlines to attend to.
Plus even if you weren't tied down with all this, I still doubt you'd have the time, patience or inclination to invest as much time and money as I did.
Which is why my commitment with Project:Yourself is to give you...
An affordable & transformational fast track to years (and years) of feverish study
Project:Yourself gives you my entire body of knowledge on the subject of Reality Hacks, the Sri Yantra and unleashing your full potential... at a price that is neither dirt cheap nor exorbitant.
And there's a good reason for that.
You see, I do want to make this information as financially accessible to as many people as possible. Because everyone surely deserves to elevate their lives with these tools.
But when you join this journey, you become critical to our tribe’s mission of sparking a global tidal wave of positive change. And the best way I know to ensure you stay committed throughout the experience... is to impose a reasonable participation fee.
Your investment for awakening your reality-bending powers with the Project:Yourself home training course, and becoming a lifelong member of our tribe... is a one-time enrollment fee of $297.
- Hunter 30m/ catching wiggling https://runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide/Catching_Whirligigs#Dazzling_Whirligig.
- Fishing 8-10m/ blue blubber jellyfish https://runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide/Catching_blue_blubber_jellyfish missing casket salvaging scrimshaw and dwarven fish extractor; the scrimshaw allows gathering many port recources from the player port. https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/37l0ul/loot_from_
- Farming pof 200-250m an hour/ bloodweed
- magic secateurs, master farmer outfit, greenfingers aura farming potion, wilderness sword 4.
- MOST IMPORTANT; dwarven harvester, patch bomb or liquid patch bomb, scroll of life, farming master cape.
- growth potion (leafy); farm adolescent black dragons and dinosaurs.
- Invention guild (machines)/ xp capacitor / augmentor;
- green dragonhide shield = base parts, magic shieldbow = tensile & flexible parts, earth orb = enhancing components, rune minotaur pouch = powerful components.
- Every day task (daily);
- motherlode maw, crystal tree, player owned port, player owned farm (blk dragons), player owned reserch.
- invention guild (machines), travelling merchant, rune golberg machine, mining red sandstone.

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/// DEFENSE {HOLDMS:300}k m h p , 8 u {WAITMS:1800}n {WAITMS:1800}c {WAITMS:1800}l v
/// HEAL 0 b h p - , u

I am Zamorak. My life has been long, and throughout it I have lived by one maxim: Liberty or death. Freneskae was the perfect world. Harsh, but fair. Survival forced my people to become the greatest of warriors. When the stranger promised us conquest and plenty, we followed him. It was a mistake.

On Gielinor, I built a mighty empire in the name of the dark god Zaros. But he and I did not share the same vision for the future. Where I saw freedom, he saw only control. My people, once warriors, became priests. Bureaucrats. Sanitation engineers. To win their freedom, I struck down a god. To safeguard it, I became one.

On Infernus, I led a downtrodden people to victory. Hostilius, a corpulent monster grown fat and indolent, maintained order through rules and laws. His laws did as little to protect him as his skin did. I strung up his corpse as a message for all to see. Such is the fate of all tyrants. The Avernic demons, now free, serve me willingly.

Back on Gielinor, pretenders picked over the remains of my empire. For an age I battled them. An age of strife, of progress, of glory. While I fought on, none could establish the safety, the security, that they so craved. For an age, Gielinor was truly free. But they conspired against me, and I was banished.

In my long absence, this world has become weak. Saradomin's fingers are wrapped tightly around its throat, suffocating it. My demon army will make short work of its farmers, woodcutters and fishermen. The survivors will be stronger. They will have no choice. Gielinor's people will be free, or they will die. Liberty or death.
Zaros has a tendency to be very calm, rational and diplomatic. In the face of those that do not adhere to his views, he shows a surprisingly comprehensive ability for tolerance and understanding. Unlike the majority of gods on Gielinor, Zaros never ascended to attain divinity, but was rather a god from the start. As such, many mortal concepts such as revenge are foreign to him. Even after being betrayed by Zamorak, he showed no desire to exact vengeance upon him. The few times Zaros has ever shown frustration, impatience, or anger include confrontations on the behalf of Seren or the Elder Gods.
Zaros considers it his birthright to become an Elder God as he was directly created by the Elder God Mah alongside Seren. As such, he is highly ambitious and a visionary. Although he is not always clear about his intentions, his goals are towards a big picture that he genuinely believes is the best outcome for mortals.
Beyond Seren and the Elder Gods, Zaros views other Gods as mortals who have obtained an immense amount of power to the point of being able to influence other mortals on a global scale. He does not view them as rivals but rather as tools and obstacles. Thus he deems many activities and tasks beneath his notice[12], opting to delegate where necessary. As a being who values progression, he sees wasting someone's potential as contemptuous.
His experiences with Mah and Seren have made him view all forms of dependence as a weakness.
It is my belief that everything that occurs in life - both good and bad - should be used to forge oneself, to better oneself. Where Guthix sought balance in the world, I seek balance in oneself.
— Zaros
The primary focus of Zaros's philosophy is the realization of one's full potential through gaining power and knowledge while overcoming one's weaknesses to reach said potential.
Zaros holds a belief that an action should be measured by its impact on the individual's growth, and not judged according to the dichotomy of "good and evil".However, he does not dismiss the existence of moral absolutism and its value entirely[20] and acknowledges its impact on mortals who live by it. The consequential approach in problem-solving is the dominant viewpoint and is applicable to everything, from beliefs and ideas to objects and living beings. Foreign concepts and their related theories are useful as long as they serve a set goal. If a project, be it a system or an individual subject, has reached a status of a potential Zaros had envisioned for it, it is left to continue its existence on its own. Under this philosophy, there is no value in sentimentality.
Before his deposition, Zaros had laid the Zarosian Empire as the starting point from which his plan for the unification of the peoples of Gielinor would proceed, intending to govern the society like a mechanical system, with individuals obeying authority and serving their assigned role, like cogs in a machine. However, the exile forced Zaros to acknowledge the failure of his Empire's model and changed his perspective on politics It also gave him time to examine the newly gained insight into interpersonal relations - an otherwise alien concept beforehand. As a result of this understanding, these days Zaros's attention has shifted to only individuals with strong potential. When called, these chosen individuals are expected to perform to the best of their capabilities and, if they exceed them, be recognised for it.